Life in Kumamoto by Taiwanese


本協會在2013年發祥於熊本,是以「FURIKAKE 」為首的自發性組織,在日本國內外持續透過FURIKAKE展開各項活動,並於2015年成立了國際FURIKAKE協會。我們於5月6日設立了「FURIKAKE日」,主要活動項目為舉辦「全國FURIKAKE大獎比賽®」,支援災區的FURIKAKE等,並藉由FURIKAKE為東盟國家的兒童提供營養補給。




代表理事 松江慎太郎





『What is the International Furikake Association?』

We are grateful for your understanding, cooperation, and support for our activities that we receive on a daily basis.

In 2013 (Heisei 25), we, as a voluntary organization with the flag of “Furikake” originated in Kumamoto. Ever since we are continuing various activities through furikake. Then in 2015 (Heisei 27), we started a new chapter as the International Furikake Association.

We established May 6th as “Furikake Day,” and have held various activities such as organizing the “National Furikake Grand Prix®,” sending furikake to disaster areas, and supporting children’s nutritional needs in ASEAN countries through furikake.

Especially we are gathering recognition for the “National Furikake Grand Prix®” because various media broadcasted our event. We are increasingly realizing people’s excitement and attention for the furikake industry.

Our goal is to “contribute to regional development, economic development, and the development of international exchange through furikake.”
We would like to continue to pursue the purpose of the association.

Thank you for your continued support.

Representative Director Shintaro Matsue



『(一社) 国際ふりかけ協議会とは?』




「ふりかけを通じた地域振興、経済発展並びに国際交流の発展に寄与すること」という当会の目的を これからも追求し積極的に活動して参りたいと存じます。


代表理事 松江 慎太郎